
Why should I Sugar?

  • This ancient technique of hair removal uses a sugar paste which is made up of natural, organic ingredients. Just simply sugar, water, and lemon juice.

  • The sugar is never hot, therefore, will never burn you.

  • Sugaring is done with a gloved hand. No sticks or strips are used; therefore, no need to worry about cross contamination and.. less waste for our planet :)

  • Sugaring only removes dead skin cells and unwanted hair which makes it very gentle for the skin, especially sensitive skin types.

  • Hair is removed in the direction of growth. This ensures that the hair comes out with the follicle which prevents ingrown hairs from occurring. Since the hair is removed from the follicle, the regrowth usually appears more thin and sparse after just ONE session!

preparation for sugaring appointment

For best results please allow at least two weeks of hair growth prior to appointment and exfoliate regularly.